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Running for Physical Fitness

 Another summer is in full swing. The past year has left a lot of vivid impressions, and alas, not the most pleasant. Once again you have noticed a waistline that is getting bigger with extra pounds. What to do? The solution is immediately available – you need to start running. We all know that running is a universal tool for losing weight and maintaining good physical fitness. The scheme immediately appears in your head: start running, improve your discipline, lose extra pounds, show off to your colleagues and attract the attention of the opposite sex. A universal tool for solving your problems. Yes, it is, but here’s the problem, you have never read the instructions for such a tool. We present to you a complete guide to running for beginners. Get your shoelaces ready, because we are running a theoretical marathon.

Disclaimer: Recommendations regarding joints, knees, heart, etc. should be discussed with your personal physician, as each reader has a different predisposition to injury, different medical history, and individual training experience. We only provide general recommendations that have been tested by several generations of professional and amateur runners.

Two main pieces of advice for any runner

Start running

It doesn't matter how much we list and tell below. The main thing is to start running. Mastering the technique and nuances is a secondary process. To start running correctly, you first need to at least run, and you will have time to learn in the process. Running is not the kind of area for which you need to prepare for the start by diligently studying the theory. Of course, the theoretical part is important, but practice still prevails here, especially at the beginning.

Forget about the difficulties

Running is easy! We have been told since school that running is a difficult, tedious and boring process. The reason for this is the standard uniform load on all school students or yogis who prefer yoga on mat. In physical education classes, children are not divided by training experience and physical abilities, as a result of which many are given the wrong load, which causes rejection rather than sympathy. This is how hostility to running is born. Try to discard these stereotypes.

How to start jogging?

Let's not look back at the popular schemes of methodologists or professional runners. Let's take up the coach's best weapon - the practical experience of his wards. Three-phase method:

Start running at a slow pace (slow speed) until you feel a reasonable sense of failure;

Relax by walking (speed 5-6 km/h);

Start running slowly again until you moderately overcome the feeling of failure, etc.

Start with two runs a week. Then increase their number to three. The duration of the workout depends on your physical abilities. For someone, the 10-minute mark of continuous running will be a kind of Everest, and for someone else it will be the 40-minute mark. Your task is to bring the interval of running without rest to 30 minutes.

After achieving this goal, you should not run for more than 50-60 minutes. Two intervals of 25-30 minutes with a short walking rest between them are enough. Three workouts per week is the ideal number for an amateur runner. The maximum number of workouts is 5 per week.

Running technique

The most discussed topic on all running forums. Runners regularly argue about which is better, toe-first or heel-first running. An experienced athlete will be surprised by such discussions, because they are equivalent to arguing about which is better: the right or left hand? A stupid comparison with the impossibility of determining the correct statement.

In reality, all running options have a right to exist. The structure of people's feet is different, which leaves flexibility in choosing a running technique.

Let's leave behind the long-standing debate. Everything is just as simple here: run the way you feel comfortable. Of course, running on your toes is less traumatic, because the load is reduced due to the absence of a strong impact load, but you will have to pay for this with extra movements and efforts, which in the context of our tasks can become terrible torment.

If you are comfortable running on your heel, do it and don’t listen to anyone. Running should be comfortable so that you get pleasure, not irritation and fatigue. To understand which technique to choose, we will give you a short description. But first, we will note that the only rule that unites the two running techniques is the parallel movement of the feet. You, like a skier, should take a step strictly forward, as should your feet. They move as if on a ski track.

Running from the toe

Better known as jumping running. In this running technique, the heel touches the surface only after the toe. Some PRO runners do not touch the floor with their heels at all. The main popularizer of the technique is Gordon Pirie. We recommend using it for fast running (from 10-15 km/h). It is more natural and less traumatic for the knee joints.

The advantage of running with the toe is cushioning and shock absorption from the knee joint. The disadvantage is discomfort when running at a slow speed.

running for yogis

Heel strike

Everything is opposite to the above option: the foot is placed on the floor with the heel, and then there is a smooth transition of support to the toe. In the final phase, the toe comes off the floor and gives impetus for a new movement. An important nuance is the smoothness of the transition from the heel to the toe. The movement should be soft and calm, because this is what determines the distribution of the load and the safety of running.

The advantage of running from the heel is a low load on the calf muscles, convenience and comfort when running at a low speed, on average up to 10 km / h. Cushioning largely depends on the sole of the running shoe, which makes this running option expensive, because high-quality shoes with a good sole cost a lot of money.

Positioning of shins and thighs

The main mistakes in running technique are related to the placement of the feet. This is either a shuffling run or a digging step, which is harmful to the knees. There are two reasons: either the leg that leaves the ground is not raised high enough, or the leg that you bring forward is placed under you, thereby making almost zero forward movement.

Just make sure you have enough lift in your back leg and enough reach in your front leg. Try running without headphones, listening to your running. There should be no loud shuffling, stomping, or slapping sounds. Quiet running is good running.

Remember to squat down moderately. Don't fall through, or you'll spend a lot of energy pushing your body up. When landing, make sure your knee bends slightly.

Position of hands and body

Beginners naively believe that arm work is not important for proper running, which is of course wrong. The degree of torso twisting depends on the movement of the elbows and arms. If the rotation is too strong, you will get tired faster, as a result of which you will not complete the given training plan. The ideal position of the arms during running looks like this:

Elbows bent at 90 degrees or less;

Fists are relaxed;

The movement of the arms is almost parallel, that is, you do not cross them at chest level;

The faster you run, the faster your arm movements.

The body plays no less a role in proper running. The back should be arched naturally, without bending to one side or the other. It is advisable to lean the torso forward, so as not to resemble a "stick" while running. Relax your shoulders and lower them down. Elbows and arms move, but not shoulders with the back. Do not throw your head back or to the sides, look straight ahead.

Running shoes

Running shoes are a guarantee of the athlete's health and insurance against all kinds of leg and spine injuries, so pay special attention to this. We will not talk about and analyze the market of running shoes for professional athletes, since in their case, the effectiveness and speed of running depend primarily on this choice. We are interested in comfort and health in the long term.

What makes running shoes different from regular shoes? The correct answer: protecting joints from impact loads when your feet touch the floor. Advanced models protect you from injuries on uneven surfaces (ground, ice, mud, etc.). So, to summarize, choosing running shoes is, first and foremost, about ensuring safety and protection.

A little life hack for choosing shoes:


Of course, a good brand is half the battle, but these days, big brands like Nike and Reebok have long since sold out to marketing, as retired professional runners have said many times. The company you trust should be serious about shoes. That means open access to lab tests of their shoes, and the use of modern energy-absorbing shocks.

It's easy to find relevant recommendations on a running forum, but we've done it for you. Check out Asics, New Balance, Mizuno, Brooks, Adidas. Be careful with the last one. Among the tons of marketing, you can dig up some really interesting models. Asian brands are new to the running shoe market, but despite this, they have proven themselves to be affordable and of excellent quality. While there is no overpayment "for the brand", it is worth studying their range.

Weather and road conditions

To begin with, it is enough to buy universal sneakers that are suitable for any conditions. However, if you already know in what conditions you will run, then it is logical to focus on this when choosing shoes. Sneakers for asphalt are distinguished by significant cushioning, which reduces the harmful load on the knee joints. Running shoes for ordinary ground have a durable tread that will not wear out after a month of running. Off-season and winter sneakers should remove excess moisture to the outside, but at the same time block its penetration inside. Removable spikes and other bonuses are optional.

If you plan to run all year round, it is wiser to take "universal". If only one season, then choose shoes for it. If you "get into it", you can buy another pair for other conditions.

Don't buy running shoes for long distances. Marathon options are heavier, more expensive, more durable, etc. You and I will be satisfied with options for 30-50 km per week. This will be more than enough.


Nowadays it is common to buy clothes and shoes without leaving home. Indeed, it is convenient, simple and often economical. However, in our case, this is not a completely rational decision. It is the fitting that will allow you to find out whether you are comfortable in these shoes. It is not enough to simply choose shoes that fit you. Your subjective feelings are important, which after the first fitting will dot all the i's.


The big toe should not rest against the toe of the shoe;

The leg should be firmly fixed, but not pinched;

Lacing should be standard or large, but not small;

It is advisable to buy running shoes in a specialized store, where the chance of receiving competent advice and assistance in choosing increases.

Running clothes

The choice of any running clothing is primarily a choice of material, not style, sleeve length or brand. The material can only be one - sports synthetics, also known as "rashguard" fabric. Due to its structure, the threads of such fabric practically do not absorb moisture, and at the same time do not interfere with its evaporation.

If you ignore such recommendations for choosing running clothes, you will soon face a lot of problems. So, in summer, wet clothes, in addition to discomfort, can cause chafing, especially in the armpit area. In winter, non-drying fabric is guaranteed to lead to illnesses and colds in particular.


Effective running training is unthinkable without a special heart rate monitor. The principle of the heart rate monitor is simple. There are both chest and wrist models. Choose what you like. Among the top manufacturers, the following should be highlighted: Polar, Garmin, Sigma, Suunto.

A GPS tracker will also be a useful purchase, because it is always useful and pleasant to know how much you have run and in what period of time. For starters, any smartphone will suit you, both on iOS and Android.

Running and weight loss

This is a separate topic for a whole book, but still, it is impossible to write a guide on proper running without mentioning fat burning and all related topics. The first thing that interests readers is whether it is possible to lose weight with the help of running? There is no single answer. 50/50, pure lottery, luck and fortune. We will try to explain why.

A person loses weight only under one condition - with a lack of calories that he gets from food. Calories are our energy for maintaining the work of the brain, internal organs and for performing everyday activities. If you eat little energy, the body will have to spend its stash, which is fat reserves.

How does running relate to this topic? It's all pretty simple. With regular jogging, you can start burning a lot more calories, which will cause a shortage of calories and, as a result, lead to weight loss. So if you start burning a lot of energy with running, then you are guaranteed to lose weight.

It is important to note that the type of jogging does not matter, as well as other minor nuances. Leave all the stereotypes about fat burning minutes, ideal pulse, etc. for Internet sites. In reality, jogging is just an additional expenditure of calories. The main condition is consistency and comfort with a low risk of injury.

Popular questions

How to breathe?

Don't force yourself to breathe unnaturally. Breathe as you feel comfortable. The most effective scheme will be: 2 steps - inhale, 2 steps - exhale. Through the nose or through the mouth - it is not as important as it seems. Everything depends on individual preferences.

Running and eating

It is advisable to run on an empty stomach. Running with a full stomach will be extremely uncomfortable. Also, do not forget that digestion is a waste of energy, as is jogging. Double the load on the body's energy system can have a negative effect.

Time of day and running

Run when it suits you. Morning running will not burn more fat, nor will evening running. The main thing here is to run regularly.

Is it possible to combine jogging and the gym?

Light jogging 2-3 times a week is possible and even necessary to combine. This has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

Final Words

A beginner simply doesn't know how much to run, how long, etc. There is one simple method - start with 10-15 minutes of continuous running. If you can't do this, add minute breaks, but try to maintain one pace and one intensity, that is, rest in a fast walk, and do not stand still.

Over time, increase the duration of your runs by 5-10 minutes, bringing your workouts to 40-50 minute sessions. Longer workouts will not be effective, as this is excessive stress for the body, to which it will respond with defensive reactions. Decline in motivation, worsening mood, increased appetite and much more.

But still, the main advice for beginners is to start running. It doesn’t matter how, when, how much, and in what way. Don’t wait for another Monday. Don’t try to fully study all the theory before moving on to practice. People wait too long for the perfect moment. To begin with, run at least once. Gradually study the running technique, recommendations, clothing, etc. The main thing is to start.


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